support :: portable spam filter faq

support > view menu

With the exception of Email Client, all of the commands on the View Menu serve to customize the Mail list.

Tip: A quick way to access View commands is to right-click anywhere on the line of column headers at the top of the Mail list. The drop-down menu that appears includes all of the View commands except Email Client.

email client

Switches to your regular email program. You can tell Chrysanth Mail Manager to do this automatically after the Process Mail command: see Setup->Options->Mail.

Tip: Clicking the View button is the same as opening the View Menu and clicking Email Client.


auto filter

Auto Filter is a powerful tool that makes it easier to sift through large quantities of mail. It tells Chrysanth Mail Manager to display only the types of entries you want to examine on the Mail list. (It does not delete anything.)

To turn Auto Filter ON, open the View Menu and select Auto Filter. This causes a down arrow to appear at the right of each column header over the Mail list. Clicking this arrow opens a menu specific to the contents of that column. Try it out, and notice how the menu varies depending on which column you select. In every column, the first two options are "All" and "Custom". The default selection is "All", meaning that everything is displayed. The "Custom" option opens a dialog that lets you define your own filter; we'll discuss this in a moment.

Here is an example of how to use Auto Filter. We'll assume that the Mail list displays a significant amount of mail including some that have been marked junk email in the Status column. You know that sometimes legitimate mail is mistakenly identified as junk mail, so you'd like to see only those items to make it easier to check them out. Click on the down arrow over the Status column to open its Filter menu.

As always, the first two options are "All" and "Custom". What other options appear will depend on what's actually in the Status column of your Mail list. For example, if various emails are marked junk email, normal email, or email from friends or blacklisted email, these will appear in the Status column's Filter menu.

In our example, you wish to see only those emails marked as junk emails, so click on "Spam" in the Filter menu. Now the Mail list only displays your junk emails/ spams. Notice that the down arrow over the Status column has turned blue. This is to remind you where an auto filter is in effect. You can have multiple filters active in two or more columns at a time.

Note: Auto filters remain in effect until you return each one to "All" in the Filter menu for that column. Turning Auto Filter OFF on the View Menu (by selecting it again while there is a checkmark at that option) only turns off the down arrows in the column headers. If you have done this and wish to remove such filtering, turn Auto Filter back ON, look for any blue down arrows, and turn each one to "All".

Now let's see how to set up a custom Auto Filter...

In this example, we'll assume that your Mail list includes a number of emails of different sizes, some small, some large, as shown in the Size column. Turn Auto Filter ON and click the down arrow over the Size column. Notice that the menu starts with "All" and "Custom", then goes on in ascending order with a number for the size of every email on the list. Let's say you're suspicious of anything bigger than 20K:

Select "Custom" on the Size column's Filter menu. This opens a dialog that is as easy to use as it is powerful; its exact contents will depend on which column you're working on. In our example we're in the Size column, so the dialog is set up to use numbers. On the left there are two pulldown lists, while on the right there are two entry fields where you can type in numbers for the sizes you want to check. To look for emails bigger than 20K, we just need to use the upper row. In the pulldown list on the upper left, select "is greater than". Now click in the entry field on the upper right and type in "20" without the quotes. Then click the OK button...

Now the Mail list only displays emails that are larger than 20K. The down arrow over the Size column is blue to remind you that you've set a filter there.

Using And/Or

Let's use another example to show how to use the And/Or features of the Custom Filter dialog. Once again we'll work in the Size column, assuming that you have emails with a range of sizes, including some around 30K and others that are smaller and bigger. Let's suppose you're suspicious of anything in the 30K range, since it might contain a well-known virus.

To sift out such emails, open the Size column's Filter menu and again click on "Custom". In the pulldown list on the upper left, select "is greater than". In the entry field on the upper right, type in "25". In the pulldown list on the lower left, select "is less than". In the entry field on the lower right, type in "40". Now you've set up two conditions: greater than 25, less than 40. Between these conditions you can choose "AND" or "OR", and in this case you'd want to leave it at "AND". Click the OK button...

Now the Mail list only displays emails that are bigger than 25K and smaller than 40K.

Using the examples above as a guide, you can explore the possibilities of setting up filters in the other columns. Remember that to turn off filtering, it's not enough to de-select this option on the View Menu, since that only hides the down arrow over the columns. With the down arrows on, look for any blue arrows, open those menus and select "All" to turn off the filter in each one.


auto width

The Auto Width option determines whether or not the Mail list grid is automatically resized to fit precisely within the Chrysanth Mail Manager window. This option is ON by default. If you turn it OFF (by selecting it when checkmarked on the View Menu), changes to the window size or to the size of individual columns may leave some columns out of sight to the right of the window. (When this occurs a scrollbar appears at the bottom of the window.)

Tip: You can fine-tune the width of the columns in the Mail list, giving more space to important elements like From or Subject. Start by making sure Auto Width is ON (checkmarked on the View Menu). Place the mouse pointer on the vertical line between two column headers, and drag it left or right. As an example, you could use this technique to reduce the Friend and Blacklist columns to little more than the width of their boxes.

When part of the data for an email is wider than its column, place the mouse pointer on it to see the entire cell content. For example, suppose for a certain email the name and address of the sender are only partly visible in the From column. Place the mouse pointer on that data cell, and the complete name and address will appear in the manner of a tooltip.


group by box

This command lets you tell Chrysanth Mail Manager how to sort the contents of the Mail list. Follow the example below to see how it works.

Start by selecting Group By Box on the View Menu. A horizontal box appears above the Mail list, with the hint "Drag a column header here to group by that column." Let's say that you would like Chrysanth Mail Manager to display your mail with all the junk emails together, all the normal emails together, all the emails from friends together, all the blacklisted emails together, and so on. Drag the header of the Status column into the box, and see what happens.

Now your mail is sorted into groups, with the Status of the group indicated on a grey line above it. To the left of each Status name there is either a "+" sign or a "-" sign. If you click on a "+" the group is expanded to display the complete list of emails in it. If you click on a "-" the group is collapsed, and only the Status line is shown.

Two additional commands on the View Menu let you expand or collapse all groups at once. In other words, View->Expand All is the same as clicking all the "+" signs, while View->Collapse All is the same as clicking all the "-" signs.

Once you have set up your group(s), you can do without the Group By Box, since it takes up space above the Mail list. To remove the box, open the View Menu again (there will be a checkmark beside Group By Box menu) and click this option again to de-select it. This only removes the Group By Box; it does not affect the groups you have set up.

To remove whatever groups you have set up, turn the Group By Box back on again. Now, for each column header you dragged into the box, simply drag it back onto the line of column headers.

Tip: You can arrange the columns of the Mail list in whatever way you wish. As you drag a header to left or right along the line of column headers, a pair of green arrows will appear each time it crosses a separator. If you drop the header there, it will be inserted to the left of that separator.


field chooser

The Field Chooser lets you determine the amount of data you want included in the Mail list. Selecting this command opens the Field Chooser box, which contains two tabs, Bands and Columns. The Columns tab is where you'll make a real difference to what's on the Mail list. (Bands are of use primarily in Chrysanth Mail Manager, where they serve to organize related columns into groups. Users can reposition an entire group by dragging its band instead of each of the comprising columns.)

Switch to the Columns tab in the Field Chooser box. Pick a column in the Mail list that displays data you don't need. For example, suppose you only have one mail account: you don't need to see its name over and over. To remove it from the Mail list, drag the Account column header into the Field Chooser box (it switches automatically to the Columns tab). Pick some other columns you don't want and drag them into the box too. Now there's more room on each line of the Mail list for the data you need to see. More importantly, the list is simpler, making it easier to discern what's important.

Tip: After you have removed columns to the Field Chooser box, you may want to adjust the width of the columns remaining. To do this, drag the separators between column headers left or right. Make sure View->Auto Width is ON so the columns adjust to fit precisely within the window.

To retrieve a column from the Field Chooser box, open the box again by selecting Field Chooser from the View Menu. Switch to the Columns tab, and drag the column header back up to where you want it on the column header line.


expand all

Expands all groups created with the Group By Box.


collapse all

Collapses all groups created with the Group By Box.


show grid

Displays thin borders around the cells of the Mail list. When this option is turned on, a checkmark appears next to it on the menu. To clear the grid, click Show Grid again.


show band

This feature is used when you have set up bands (groups of related columns) using the Bands tab of the Field Chooser.


clear sorting

This command clears whatever sorting you may have set up on the Mail list. To see it in action, let's use an example:

Suppose you would like to make a quick sort of the list according to the size of each email. To do this, click the column header of the Size column. A grey arrow appears in the column header, and now your mail is sorted by size. Notice that the arrow points upwards: your mail is sorted in ascending order. If you click on the column header again, the arrow points down and your mail is re-sorted in descending order.

Only one type of sorting can be applied at a time. Try clicking on the Attachment header. If some emails have attachments and others don't, those without will be listed first - and now the grey arrow is in the Attachment header. If you click on the Subject header, the sorting will be alphabetical, based on the first letter of each email's subject.

The most useful sort might be the one you'd get by clicking on the Status header: every category of email (junk email, email from friends, filtered email, normal email, blacklisted email...) is grouped together, making it easier to see what you've got.

So then, to remove such sorting, select View->Clear Sorting. This also removes the grey arrow from whichever column header was last used for sorting.


restore to default

Restores presentation of the Mail list to its default appearance.
