support > using mail manager as an email notifier
Chrysanth Mail Manager is a perfect email
notification tool that is designed to be run quietly in the background, while constantly scanning all your email accounts for any incoming emails, at the same time separating the good emails from the junk emails/ spam automatically.
Upon detection of new friendly emails, a "You've got mail" sound will alert you together with a little green email icon being displayed in the tray. This "You've got mail" tray icon will stay as an email notification alert until the next mail check starts automatically again:
You've got mail!
Meanwhile, whenever potential junk emails are detected, a "You've got spam" alerting sound will notify you about this together with a little red email icons in the tray, which will also stay as an email notification alert until the next mail check interval:
You've got spam!
Of course, with just a simple option checked, you could always get the incoming junk emails automatically deleted whenever they are detected and you no longer have to worry about downloading those junk emails and wade through all of them again!